Our climate has been changing for 17,000 years. At least as far as those of us in Chelsea, Mi. know. There are University of Michigan geologists who can take you out to the gravel pit and show you rocks that were dropped from the mile thick glacier over 17,000 years ago. Now we swim in the lakes formed by those glaciers.  Sometime between then and now, the woolly mammoth tracked across what is now our corn fields. We have the bones and tusks to prove it.

So yes, our globe is warming and we can argue and/or spend countless dollars on research and government programs with little or no measurable effects.

There is one change/goal we can all agree on and is worthy of our attention. Can we leave the air our children and grandchildren breath cleaner than it is now? We, the people of the world, owe it to future generations to clean up our act.

If we all pledge to drive green, we can reduce emissions by 20 – 30%. And together, without our governments spending our tax dollars, we can do other impactful things to clean up our environment and reduce our carbon footprints.